Tag Archives: maps

Research Topic

After proposing multiple topics for my research, i think what i would really enjoy writing about and digging more into are all the different monuments that are found in various areas of Washington D.C.

When people visit D.C, the first thing that tells the story of this capital are the monuments. I remember when my family and I first came here as tourists, it was  a pleasure discovering all the different historic areas that D.C has to offer. Now that I am living here, I want to look more into these fascinating monuments. What was the reason behind building each of them? what does each of them stand for? why are they placed where they are placed now? Who designed each monument and how exactly did they build those large monuments back then without the aid of the technologies that we have now?

Those are all interesting questions that still pop up in my mind every time i lay my eyes on one of these magnificent monuments that we have here in our nation’s capital.