Category Archives: Tools

Google Map

Here the link to my customized Google map with the monuments that i wanted to point to.

google map


Creating this map was fairly easy. At first, i was waiting for almost half an hour for google to import all the data from the spreadsheet that i created, to find out later that there was a pop-up blocker preventing it from doing so. After i allowed pop-ups, the whole thing was a piece of cake.

I really enjoyed the idea of marking the map to my specific needs. I was able to add description and pictures and change the marker icons to give each specific location a unique look.

I think creating a map, with your own little description can help in showing how the important monuments kind of encircle the city of Washington D.C within their boundaries. it makes it easier to visualize how much apart are they placed and what do they overlook.Creating this map was very helpful and i will certainly use it as a visual aid to compliment my research.


Digital Autobiography

The world wide web. What a big creation. Our world has been trying to be connected for quite some time now, and the internet made that humongous world into a small sphere that is very connected and intertwined.

Our every day tasks are all dependent on being connected to each other. The internet is an essential part of almost every institution from schools, to work, to government, etc , all the way to the everyday communication between members of the same family, that are living together in the same household. This brings me up to how the internet plays a major role in my everyday life.

I can’t possibly think of going one day without checking my email. My smartphone is always accompanying me. All i ever need to be connected to the outside world is in that small piece of technology, which ironically enough is not “connected” to anything. It’s mind boggling if you ask me! I use emails mostly for work and schooling purposes. Send and receive up to date information from instructors and bosses, but my real connection to the world lies in the social media aspect.

I belong to multiple social media websites, for different kinds of connection. Facebook is my number one website, as it keeps me connected to the ones i love and care about, whether it is family overseas, old classmates, ex-gfs ( wonder why i have them in my circle if they are supposed to be ex’s, it defeats the purpose. oh well!) and also current friends that i don’t get to catch up with them so often. Facebook gives me almost everything i need to know. Twitter is where i get all sorts of news from locally to globally. following those news channels proved to be a heck of an investment. Lastly, i use the internet for directions!! I don’t think i would’ve survived living in a new area without having my Google maps guiding me every step of the way. Thank you Google, you are a life saver! 🙂

The internet has become an essential part of our lives, and it just keeps getting more and more involved in almost everything. It is a wonderful tool to aid us, if we know how to take full advantage of it, without letting it takes advantage of us.